Noni Enzymes

I am taking this Noni Enzymes drops 2-3 drops twice a day
its best health supplement in world
it came from USA
its bottle costs 3200 Rs.
it easily runs for more than 3 months

Why BSY Noni?

BSY Noni is the pure extract or leaven of genuine Hawaiian noni fruit, which is medicinally the most effective variety of Morinda Citrifolia of the genus Morinda in the world. The extract is in a highly concentrated form so that a very small quantity will be sufficient at a time. According to DrRalph Heinicke, Dr Neil Solomon and other experts this extract can penetrate the body cells rapidly, become decomposed and help in the absorption of nutrients by the cells. It promotes micro-circulation and corrects the metabolism processes in the body, besides strengthening the self-defence ability of the cells. It enhances protein utilisation by the cells and protects against damages caused by toxic substances.

How can we use NONI as an alternative medicine?

Noni is not a medicine or drug. But it can be taken with other medication or alone in all kinds of body ailments. It has been proven that noni can control the growth of cancer cells and reduce pain resulting from cancer, can reduce diabetes and its related ailments, can slow down degenerative processes connected with aging, can boost nutrition levels and improve protein utilisation and can protect the immune system and the defence mechanism of the cells against diseases.

Listen to the experts

Dr. Ralph Heinicke, a leading medical biochemist in US, made a critical discovery while studying enzymes. He found that the NONI fruit has the most abundant and reliable source of Proxeronine and Proxeronase, which are the precursors to Xeronine and its catalysts. Xeronine is essential for proper cell function in the body for sustained health. He has done more than 45 years of research & development on Noni fruit and has written several books on its uses.

Dr Neil Solomon M.D., Ph.D. is a world renowned research expert in the fields of medicine, nutrition, obesity and smoking cessation, who has held several faculty appointments and Professorships at some of the most prestigious universities in USA including the John Hopkins School of Medicine. His research has shown that noni, the miracle tropical plant, can stimulate the body to produce more Nitric Oxide, thereby preventing and helping to control various disorders. He has written two books on noni, named ‘The Noni Phenomenon’ and ‘Noni Juice – The Tropical Fruit with 101 Medicinal Uses’.

Dr. Schechter, Director of the Natural Healing Institute in California, confirmed, in an interview, that the positive results obtained by physicians using Noni were consistent with the results obtained by naturopathic clinicians. Dr. Schechter has treated hundreds of patients with noni and has been very impressed with the variety of illnesses that responded to Noni. He says that noni stimulates the production of T-cells in the immune system, acts to enhance the immune system involving macrophages and/or lymphocytes, has been shown to combat many types of bacteria, has unique anti-pain effects and inhibits pre-cancer function and the growth of cancer tumors by allowing abnormal cells to function more normally.

Process Method


Extraction Method

The Usage

Noni is supplied in 10 ml bottles with a filler-tube attached to the cap that replaces the tamper-proof metal seal and cap that comes with the product when purchased. Use the filler-tube to take the extract from the bottle. 3 to 5 full tubes of noni leaven may be taken at a time, on empty stomach, between two cups of warm water. No coffee or tea should be taken within two hours of the consumption of noni. Early morning, just before noon and evening (just before going to bed) would be the best times for consuming noni.

One10 ml.  bottle  costs 650 Rs. thats for 1 month
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Contact me:

Vedant Sharmaa

Mobile: +91 9425092415

E-Mail: [email protected]

