Birthday Predictions for Anil Kapoor Anil was born on 24th December


Birthday Predictions for Anil Kapoor 
Anil was born on 24th December, 1959 which makes him a Number 6 (Venus) person in numerology. He is a Capricorn (ruler Saturn – Number 8) and his ‘destiny’ number also adds up to Number 6 which indicates he is ruled by the planet of love, sex, relationships etc. twice. Too good!
Anil will be entering in his lucky 54th(9) year from now which indicates yet another golden phase in his life. The year 2013 which adds up to Number 6 could prove to be a landmark year for him.
‘Race 2’ & ‘Shootout at Wadala’ will be hits & he will be loved by masses & critics.
His new show 24 will also come this year on colours & will be of international standards.
Having already done some Hollywood films, wearing a Diamond above half a carat on a Friday morning will help him take his international journey to a different level.

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