12.21.2012 = LIGHT
One of the main clues about the end of Mayan calendar
date on 12.21.2012 is hidden in the numerology code.
1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2 = 11
11 is a gateway signifying double beginnings.
When you walk through a gateway you leave behind the
past as you know it and enter a new realm of
Since our solar system is aligning with the center of
our galaxy we are looking at our very core, the essence
of who we are and where we are from.
The core of our galaxy is a core of white light.
LIGHT adds up to 11 in the Pythagorean system of
We will be facing the Light (11) of our origins on
12.21.2012, an 11 Universal Date!
It is a time of en-lightenment.
The light at the core of our galaxy is not transparent
like the light from our sun. Sunlight casts shadows and
is a bright, brilliant light.
Light from the center of the galaxy casts no shadow as
sunlight does.
It is primal light – radiant and soft. It has a
physical substance and is not transparent like
sunlight. This primal, galactic light is divine
inspiration – and it gives you a spiritual power surge
when you join with it.
Primal light is alive and can only be experienced. It
communicates with you.
Number 11 adds up to the root number 2 and 2 governs
communication, listening and relationships.
On 12.21.2012, as we face the core of our galaxy, we
have a spectacular opportunity to go within – to reach
to the core of our soul and communicate with our primal
Between the 21st and 23rd of December, take time to
be out in nature and/or in a quiet place. Perceive this
primal light. Feel the divine energy contained within
it. Listen to what the light communicates to you.
11 is a number of "initiation" symbolized by walking
through the two columns into the light. We are all
joining together in this divine ceremony.
Let's all celebrate joining with the primal Light – our
original power source.