Happy Birthday Rajnikanth Rajni was born on 12th December 1950 which makes him a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology


Happy Birthday Rajnikanth
Rajni was born on 12th December 1950 which makes him a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology. His sun sign is Sagittarius (ruler Jupiter – Number 3 again) and his destiny number also adds up to the same number which means he is ruled by the most powerful planet Jupiter representing knowledge and money – not once, twice but thrice.
No wonder he is the highest paid actor 
in Asia after Jackie Chan.

As 3 6 9 is a family of numbers.
Rajni will now be entering lucky 63rd(9) year of his life which indicates that he will be back with ‘full power’ after facing some health hazards for a while.
His forthcoming venture ‘Kochadaiyaan’ will break all previous box office records in the history of Indian cinema and set new benchmarks.
Wearing a ‘Yellow Sapphire’ on his right hand index finger to be made in gold and a ‘3 mukhi rudraksh’ will help him make the right investments and prevent any financial loss or some damage which I can foresee in 2014.


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