9 Secrets to Success
With Mercury retrograde now over, you should be feeling
a lot more forward movement!
And with 21.12.2012 fast approaching, you'll sense an
internal push/pull as you redefine your priorities
while releasing ideas and beliefs keeping you locked in
a frustrating holding pattern.
We all experience inertia at times. Where nothing seems
to motivate us.
What if you knew how pierce through the veil?
I know how aggravating it can be when you're in a
slump. I've certainly had my share! But I also know
that slumps are signs.
You are either tired and actually need rest first in
order to re-energize and get clear about your life.
Or… (and this is most often the case) – you are
procrastinating and allowing yourself to get distracted
from the task at hand.
Positive, life-affirming, abundance-generating tasks
range from:
1. meditation
2. writing in your gratitude journal
3. exercising
4. creating (products, art, future goals)
5. learning a new abundance-enhancing skill-set
6. counting your assets
7. supporting others to thrive in their divinity
8. totally honest self-reflection
9. sending out a passionate request for joy
What do I mean by number 9?
Your inner shift from slump to sizzling energy happens
only when you request that it be so. I mean REALLY
request it.
Send out a telegram to the universe asking for
happiness and abundance.
Here's the catch.
You must ask in a happy state of eager anticipation –
meaning you're already happy!
Because your trust in the perfect outcome means you
KNOW for sure that your telegram is always answered.
If you ask for something without passion, without
trust, with any ounce of skepticism or doubt – you will
be disappointed.
It's like the question about what came first – the
chicken or the egg?
In being your desired outcome first, you immediately
attract MORE of your outcome. (And that goes for
negative or positive.)
So how do you get to number 9 on the list above?
How doyou ask for the very thing you want while already
feeling 100% that it's already occurred?
By implementing steps 1 through 8.
It is step 8 that most have a hard time with.
That's understandable.
Self reflection requires inner work. Who wants to work
on themselves? We're not taught to do so in school or
college. And our parents are often not equipped or
usually too busy to help us with inner self-growth.
So we search and search for that "connection", the
"magic bullet" or cure-all. We search for it in practically
everything – health, relationships and wealth.
These are revealed in your powerful Personal Shift
Just as importantly, you get a list of empowering
personal remedies. So that you know once and for all
how to shift from mediocre – to extraordinary.
Use your Numerology Blueprint as a daily tool to break
through hang-ups and negative patterns.
It's time to stop deceiving yourself that you will be
somehow rescued!
YOU are your own savior.
You are the healer, You are the extraordinary creator
who surpasses all by living in a state where abundance
and joy are a given. They are self-created and they are
your reality.
Living an extraordinary, abundant life is the greatest gift.
For both you and everyone you touch by spiritual osmosis.