Happy Birthday Sushmita Sen She should spell her name as Suushmita Sen.


Happy Birthday Sushmita Sen
She should spell her name as Suushmita Sen.
Sush (as she is fondly called) was born on 19th November, 1975 which makes her a Number 1 (Sun) person in numerology. Her sun sign is a Scorpio (ruler Mars – Number 9) while her destiny number adds up to Number 7 (Ketu). Since she is ruled by Number 7, she is automatically ruled by Number 2 (Moon) as these two numbers always go hand in hand.

Sush is what she is ruled by – Number 1. She is strong, aggressive and a complete go getter. She is so determined on what she wants in life that nothing and ‘absolutely nothing’ can stop her from doing that, which is a typical ‘Scorpion’ trait. But alas! she has a ‘ketu dosh’ which surrounds her with so much negativity around her (read bad advice givers), that her progress is hampered in the bargain and that’s what has been happening to her all this while.
Wearing a Cat’s Eye above 4 carats set in silver on his smallest finger on a Thursday midnight shall do the trick.
Sush will now be entering the lucky 38th(2) year of her life which indicates a ‘positive’ phase especially on the personal front and that should come as a welcome relief to her as the time has come where she may finally bump in to someone really interesting and special in her life with whom she may want to settle down by 2014.
On the film front, with no major projects on hand, she may consider a few offers, but she is likely to have her next release only a year later which will also kick start her career on a fresh note and yes, this time she will have a much better and longer innings.


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