NUMBER -7 No 7 stands in symbolism for the planet Neptune. Persons born on 7,16, 25


No 7 stands in symbolism for the planet Neptune. Persons born on 7 16 25 and born on 21 st june to july 27th , get on well with no 2 people, independent, original , individuality. At heart they love change and travel , restless In their natures. Interested in foreign countries and affairs of far off lands , wide universal knowledge of world , good writers painters and poets , show pecu

liar philosophical outlook on life . non materialistic, become rich by original ideas and methods of business, donations to charities and institutions from their wealth, women marry well and anxious about future, and feel that they need some rock to rest on lest the waters of fate sweep them away. Good ideas about business, peculiar ideas of religion , they create a religion of their own . remarkable dreams and great learnng to occultism , gift of intuition , clairvoyance. Born on 7 14 25 are ruled by ketu dates with destiny no 7 , wear clean clothes, refined. Choose their words very carefully, confident , difference of opinion , rarely earn good friends, short tempered and get angry easily. Environment is harmonious get along well with others, otherwise prefer their time in solitude. When they face problems they will not share with anyone and bury among them selves as they lost something precious. 7 16 25 will be intitally patriotic and change their views later, invites jealousy of others.Rarely get ideal life partners, even if they get which is rare , they will not have children, and something lacking in family life, hardworking , women marry men of higher status.
Mental strength is more than physical strength some times they blow up minor issues into unrealistic proportions and will worry endlessly , worry about their future , dare and achieve many things , surrounded by people who encourage and inspire them .experess their views boldly, work independently, these people can be termed as unlucky.Come up in life with their hard work only , child prodigies are born in this number all that they see in their dreams will come true . lead their life with unfulfilled desires , at the end something is missing and lacking. Those who rise to the top will tend to lead ordinary leaves (if name number is 7 this will def happen) , skilled work , specialization, passionate interest, being charming, sincere and reserved. Analytical mind, interest in research, investigation , discovery and observations , intelligence, spiritual knowledge, excellent mental prowess, wisdom and knowledgeMysterious nature and philosophical tendencies , male quality slow and steady, interest in occult affairs , magnetic nature, and intuitive powers. Creative and imaginative, writing articles books poetry and painting. independent and original , non materialistic and philanthropic , north east
People born on 7th : mild mannered soft natured and will give up everything for others, intelligent, and taste in arts , worship with great faith, constant problems with family life child like , adamant in matters of love and arts
Persons born on 16th: greater mental strength , if groomed properly their exceptional and uncommon talents can be made to blossom . many child prodigies born on this date, many people shock the world with their actions, avoid illicit love affairs,
People born on 25 th : fanatically religious people and will openly preach about their religion claiming to be the only path to attain salvation , honoured and revered, religious heads, judges, speakers of parliament, many look up to them for guidance, however they cannot lead a happy and smooth family life


Negative effects : too much reservedness, lack of trust in others, aloofness, confusion, depression, pride , bad temper, irritability, argumentativeness and meanness.
Punctual, right order in everything ,like freedom even brake the traditional bondage, their behaviour is mystery to others, absent minded , should be cautious while lending money , they may not get back it easily , avoid drugs and drinks, advised light food at night.
No 7 husband : he is emotional but understands the feelings of his wife . liberal, fond of picnics,,travel and cinema , suspicious of his wife , he is critical about everything and that creates tension for family members , nothing satisfies them . he is a spendthrift and likes to live lavishly, all comforts in life.
No 7 wife : moody , unpredictable behaviour, restless and gets disturbed , expects her husband to look after her all the time , likes to be alone and does not mix with others.
Lucky colours : green, white, yellow 



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