Dharmendra got Padma Bhushan. He is no.8(December 8, 1935) running in his lucky 77th(5) year

Dharmendra got Padma Bhushan.
He is no.8(December 8, 1935) running in his lucky 77th(5) year.
Sun is also in the zodiac of aquarius which is ruled by saturn 8 till 19 feb.
At the starting of the year I said year 2012 will be good for no.8.
8 is extreme either gives extreme happiness & success or extreme failures & sadness.
If no.8 intentions are good & hard work is there they are rewarded like anything.
Another Example of No.8 being extreme.
Today on 26th(8) Agneepath Opens At Record Pace.
Delhi: Agneepath Bumper Start Beats Bodyguard.
AGNEEPATH 100% Opening Noida.
A R Rahman brought oscars home in his 44th(8) year.
Gary Kristen won world cup for India as a coach in his 44th(8) year.
Cheers to all no.8.

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