Always make sure you have a fortunate name. Especially now!

Jerry Sandusky, the former Penn State assistant 

football coach accused of sexually abusing boys.

Born On January 26, 1944 (age 67)

He is no.8 & this year 2011 adds to 4 which is unlucky for him.

Notice how the number 13 is being triggered in a big

way for Sandusky:
1. He is 67 years old — and 67 reduces to 13.
2. His birth name adds up to 85 — which reduces to 13.
13 cycles bring unexpected shifts.Shifts often cause
upheaval in order for new ground to be broken.
This is a natural law of the 13 – the number of life,
death and transformation.
He was arrested and charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse of young boys over a 15-year period.40 also adds to 4.
Another important number has influenced Sandusky’s
life… his current name. 

Penn State adds to 40(4) which is also unlucky for Jerry Sandusky who is no.8(26 jan.)
‘Jerry Sandusky’ adds up to 18(9). 
Names that add up to 18 carry the most challenging
symbolism – materialism destroying the spiritual side
of nature. This often results in bitter quarrels within
the family and using conflict to gain power. 
A fortunate name frequency would have helped Sandusky
gain clarity and focus over his negative tendencies.
Instead, his challenging current name perpetuated
Same goes for Bernie Fine, the former Syracuse
basketball coach accused of similar indecencies. 
‘Bernie Fine’ adds up to 12. 12 is the ‘Victim’
number and indicates he feels victimized and/or
victimizes others in some way. 
Bernie Fine (born on December 23, 1945)
He is no.5 & 9 is enemy of 5.
On November 27, 2011, it was announced that Syracuse University Chancellor Nancy Cantor had fired Fine in response to the allegations.27 adds to 9.
Always make sure you have a fortunate name.
Especially now!

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